Hope is stronger than any virus.

It won’t always be this way. 

I’m whispering it to you. 
I’m whispering it to me

You won’t always have to check the restrictions before you buy groceries.

You won’t always have to smile behind a mask.

You won’t always have to stand six feet apart.

I’m not here to talk politics. I’m here to offer hope.

One day, I swear, things will feel normal.

Now, it may not ever look like it once did, but I think it can be even better.

When the working mom reunites with her children after a long day. Hope.

When a daughter embraces her parents on the front porch again. Hope.

When a first-generation college student walks across the stage. Hope.

And it doesn’t care if you’ve gained 10 pounds.

Or let your roots go dark.

Or accomplished nothing more than survive.

Because you will make it.

And everything COVID-19 has changed can’t touch it.

Hope is stronger than any virus.

It’s what helped you make it through today.

And it’s waiting for you in tomorrow, too.

*Join Lauren on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter for more inspiration. 

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