Not everyone will understand you

Some people will be committed to misunderstanding you. 

I’m sorry, but it’s true. 

You will be kind. 

You will be honest. 

You will trust them with your heart. 

Earlier in my life, I tried to convince people of my truth. 

I wanted them to understand me.

I wanted them to accept even the broken parts of me. 

But the truth is, not everyone will. 

Especially the ones who have not healed from their own childhood, addictions, and traumas. 

You will make them uncomfortable.

You will stir up raw emotions. 

And it will cause you great pain and rejection. 

So, here’s the peace and progress I am making daily: 

1. You don’t have to describe or defend your truth. It‘s yours. 

2. You don’t have to make yourself or your heart smaller to live inside someone else’s expectations. You will never fit. 

3. And you don’t have to keep yourself tied to unhealthy spaces where your vulnerability is abused. It’s not safe.

Because I believe in your story. 

And the only way to live it, embrace it, and share it is by knowing it’s your truth. 

It’s always real. 

And it always matters. 

*Join Lauren on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter for more inspiration.

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