Want to slow down and savor more? Begin a gratitude journal.

Six years ago, I did something that would forever change my life. 

I started a gratitude journal. 

It began when my sister-in-law gifted me with a blank journal that had “GRATEFUL” printed on the front cover. 

At the time, my son was one, and I was four months pregnant with my little girl.

I was looking for a way to slow down life while savoring the moments as they came. 

(Have you ever felt this way?)

Only, I didn’t really have the time for that. 

So, I began an experiment right where I was:

I wrote the date and three good things that happened every day. 

Here are the results and why I encourage you to begin a gratitude journal as well:

  1. Writing helps us remember. I think writers are gifted with good memories, but even I couldn’t keep up as more people were added to my life and family. My gratitude journal forced me to pause, consider, and internalize the people and places I encountered. Also, for the first time in my life, I could capture direct quotes from the people I love most. I look back to the journal now and smile with misty tears. My future self of right now is thanking the old me. 
  2. Writing helps us see the bigger picture. There have been many moments in my adult life, especially those following my first pregnancy, where I could no longer see the brevity or importance of right now. To put it bluntly, every day felt the same. And I just felt tired. But sitting down each night to write three good things reminded me that the relationships that sustain us are constantly evolving – never actually staying still at all. One day my son babbled, and the next week his words were clear, recognizable. The journal reminds us that our greatest purpose is love. 
  3. Writing helps us see our blessings. It’s cheesy. It’s cliche. But the journal made it true. I’ll be honest, some days I wanted to brood over the day’s happenings, and the last thing I wanted to do was write. But I forced myself to write something, anything down that I knew in my heart was good. Sometimes that meant writing down a “first” (not just for my kids, but the firsts I experienced, too). Sometimes that meant writing down an observation in nature or in my neighborhood. And sometimes that meant looking back a few pages for perspective (What is different now? What is better now? What may still be blessing me?). In this way the journal can become a tool that points our heart directly to tried-and-true light.

So, I want to encourage you.

Find a notebook, journal, or pad of paper – any writing materials that may you already own – and begin.

It doesn’t have to be pretty.
It doesn’t have to be long.

You just need to be in that space for a few moments each day and write.

Because, now six years later, I can see an important truth I couldn’t see then:

The time goes so fast.

But the gratitude journal can help us hold onto what matters most. 

All the love.

*Join Lauren on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter for more inspiration.

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  1. Erick Cocks

    I appreciate you. Love to read your posts. I’m not a woman, obviously, I just wanted you to know you influence more than that. Have a blessed day. Woman of GOD!

    1. Lauren

      Thank you for this encouragement, Erick! So grateful you have been lifted.