You haven’t missed your boat.

You haven’t missed your boat.

Or her boat.
Or any boat.

God is preparing your boat.

And what can you control?

Your ability to wait

No, it won’t be what you may call “fun”.

No, it won’t be what you may call “inspired”.

But, it will be necessary for you to become who God created you to be.

And, I’ll be honest, you will watch ships pass.

And you will question.

Why not me? 
Why not now?

But you weren’t designed for her boat.

God is still preparing yours.

And the craziest thing of all is, you may not even know when He places you on it.

Because God’s grace and love move us slowly and gently closer to Him every day.

So, look around.
So, enjoy today’s view.

And believe deeply in your heart:

One day, I’ll sail away.

But, today, I’ll wait with God. 

*Join Lauren on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter for more inspiration.

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