Three Ways to Rediscover Who You Are

I teach middle schoolers, and from the beginning of the year to the end, something mysterious happens:

They lose more of the child in their heart. 

What I mean is, they get closer to adult expectations and further from the creativity that fuels innocence and wonder.

Sure, we can’t hold onto all of childhood as we age, but I believe remembering who we were before the world told us who to be is not just helpful – it’s essential for our mental health.

Here are three ways to unlock and rediscover our true selves: 

1. Create…literally, anything. When my children (both the ones in the classroom and at home) tell me they’re bored, I tell them to create. Often in our own lives, we get redirected away from simple activities that use our imaginations. So, doodle. So, dance. So, design. And let your passion lead you to what feels natural. Because it is in these activities that our hearts remember meaning – and colors, and sights, and excitement in the new. I think you’ll be surprised at what feelings and ideas emerge.

2. Submerge yourself in water. Whether it’s a bath, or a shower, or a swim, I am convinced that water frees something in us. We lay down our baggage. We let the flow carry us. And we remember we weren’t made to just drive ourselves into the ground. I think that is why the ocean is so incredibly powerful. When we stare out into the horizon, we can’t see everything behind us…only forward.

3. Move your body (and, no, you don’t have to necessarily run). Turn on music…and move. Find a new recipe that involves some elbow grease…and move. Schedule a walking date with a friend…and move. Because the thing is, when we move our bodies, we remember a younger version of ourselves who moved more freely and wildly. It’s like a beautiful reintroduction. When we have forgotten, our muscles remember.

Coming face-to-face with the person you are isn’t always easy or painless, especially if you have endured trauma in the past.

But reconnecting with our one true self reminds us that we have purpose beyond the right now, beyond the stress of today.

You were made for more than the weight of what you find yourself under.

You were made to use your gifts in this very moment.

But only if you are brave enough to embrace the beauty that has been buried. 


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